Friday, December 14, 2018

Blog Stage Eight

The U.S. Needs More Diverse Political Players

After the mid-term elections, it is astonishing to see such a stark difference in our Republican and Democratic member-elect class. The Democrats flipped the House with one of the largest gains in since the Watergate Scandal. The Democratic party also gained 31 women after the election from all different backgrounds. From Ilhan Omar, who will be the first Muslim woman in Congress to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who will be the youngest.
These women are tackling issues first hand, from climate change to equal pay. America needs to push for a political atmosphere that represents everyone. Especially considering how underrepresented women and people of color have been. Now is the time. Trump was the conservative response to an Obama run era and I am hoping come 2020, the Left can once again make election history.
When looking at the current demographic of the elected chosen it is very clear that so many people feel as though their voices are not being heard. Many being affluent older white men, how can this small group represent such a large scale of different backgrounds?
But instead of complaining about situations we feel that are out of our control. Lets focus on this small win for a more diverse representation in Congress. Lets hope another change is coming 2020.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

How Many Shootings Will Wake America Up?

In this year alone there have been 307 shootings with a little less than a month and a half away from 2019. From country music bars to synagogues, this plague is turning rampant in America. To his own party's surprise even President Trump is calling for a more comprehensive gun reform platform. There has been discussion of possibly raising the minimum age for purchasing a rifle from 18 to 21; and even banning assault rifles all together.

Republican law makers are continually being criticized from Democrats and the people for being a puppet of the NRA. The Gun Violence Archive defines a mass shooting as "a single incident in which four or more people are killed in the same general time and location." This has happen 307 times in what's suppose to be one of the safest county's in the world. America needs gun reform, badly, and with Tuesday's election results it might just actually be happening. Exit polling has found that roughly 60% of voters support tougher gun laws. With a newly Democratic House of Representatives, there seems to be hope on the horizon of actually passing legislation on these matters.

How many more shootings will it take for the Republican party to break free from the NRA ball and chain and big money on this subject? Hopefully Trump can add this to his long list of  upsets and work with Nancy Pelosi to pass comprehensive gun reform legislation. It is very clear that the United States needs a cure to this automatic weapon disease.

Friday, October 19, 2018

America's Elections Could Be Hacked. Go Vote Anyway.

On October 19, 2018, the New York Times Editorial Board published an article entitled America's Elections Could Be Hacked. Go Vote Anyway. This 'Editorial Board' is composed of the opinions of the board, its editor, and the publisher. This article delves into the very real anxiety many Americans are feeling come November. Though only midterm elections, people feel this period is even more crucial than general elections for the sake of a changing tide. This article acknowledges the determined worry wart and hints that these elections might be getting the attention of more than just the common American voter. 
With the coming of Age it seems everything is going electronic from movies, music, and now even the way we cast our ballots. We shouldn't shy away from the changing times but meet them head on and demand our political system do the same. The Editorial Board gives specific examples of just how easy it is to manipulate this fragile system and leaves the question with the reader, "does D.C. even care?." What stood out most to me in this article was their statement of, "this lack of confidence is as damaging to the nations democracy as it is to its national security." Noting exactly what every American fears standing in front of that, now, computer. Does your vote vote matter? The New York Times thinks so. There's a part of me that wishes we could go back to 'butterfly ballots and hanging chads', instead of Russian hackers. 
The article provided some information on which states went strictly to e-votes and which ones give the option of paper or paperless, which shed light on an occurrence I didn't even know was happening. Encouraging early voting goes without saying leaving the article with a hopeful note. I wish the Board would have gone more into why the transition went from paper to electronic, maybe a little historical time line would have helped with those born after Bush/Kerry incident. Overall, I feel the article does a decent job at shedding light on the very real cracks within our system and makes the reader think of ways it can be a more aware voter. 

Saturday, October 6, 2018

What It All Meant

Inside the op-ed column, 'What It All Meant', Gail Collins illustrates Brett Kavanaughs nomination to the Supreme Court as a deafening blow to every survivor, of any kind, that their claim simply does not matter in the court of law. Collins intended audience would be that of a New York Times subscriber that probably sides with, what I would claim to be, majority of America who don't agree with his nomination. She continues to side with that of the survivor referencing Senator Susan Collins drawn out speech that ended with a disheartening "yes" vote towards his nomination. She makes jabs at Trumps response ranging from Kavanaugh to Al Franken hinting that the president doesn't care for survivors or women in general. Paralleling what is happening in todays current events blankets over what has been happening to women for decades, from politics to the work force. In the end, if Kavanaugh does get appointed to the highest seat in the land it will be a major blow for this nations integrity. This will probably only divide our country furthermore, but this time a gender division which will literally split the nation in half.

Friday, September 21, 2018

We Are Not the Resistance

On September 21, 2018 the New York Times published an article by Michelle Alexander titled "We Are Not the Resistance'. As her  debut column Alexander highlights the notions of the Left being a part of a new found resistance against 'authority'. When in reality, from her view point and I'm sure many who share her ideology, it is quite opposite. She suggests that Trump encompasses the resistance so casually labeled as the Left.

Noting that change and progress are the natural succession of America and in fact Trump is the one resisting the majority of the country he "serves". I find the article interesting because change and progress is typically met with opposition. Her article sheds positive light on a new wave of critical thinking that the entire GOP party refuses to meet in the middle with. His policy is unlike any other in history, and for the most negative of reasons.